School voor Bijen & Biodiversiteit
Thuiskomen in je eigen natuur
School voor Bijen & Biodiversiteit
We nemen je mee naar buiten en dagen je uit om te groeien, te ontdekken en te doen!

Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
Bee Foundation helps people reconnect with their nature. Whether you are a farmer, policy maker or manager, we address everyone, because it concerns everyone. We encourage people to go outside again and be amazed. What is alive, what is growing, what is buzzing. And… ‘what can I do to contribute?’

Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
Bee Foundation helps people reconnect with their nature. Whether you are a farmer, policy maker or manager, we address everyone, because it concerns everyone. We encourage people to go outside again and be amazed. What is alive, what is growing, what is buzzing. And… ‘what can I do to contribute?’
BIJ-leren doe je buiten

Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
Bee Foundation helps people reconnect with their nature. Whether you are a farmer, policy maker or manager, we address everyone, because it concerns everyone. We encourage people to go outside again and be amazed. What is alive, what is growing, what is buzzing. And… ‘what can I do to contribute?’
Wilde bijenexpeditie

Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
Bee Foundation helps people reconnect with their nature. Whether you are a farmer, policy maker or manager, we address everyone, because it concerns everyone. We encourage people to go outside again and be amazed. What is alive, what is growing, what is buzzing. And… ‘what can I do to contribute?’
Wilde bijenexpeditie tt

Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet tt
Bee Foundation helps people reconnect with their nature. Whether you are a farmer, policy maker or manager, we address everyone, because it concerns everyone. We encourage people to go outside again and be amazed. What is alive, what is growing, what is buzzing. And… ‘what can I do to contribute?’ tt
The school for bees and biodiversity
Bee Foundation helps people reconnect with their nature. Whether you are a farmer, policy maker or manager, we address everyone, because it concerns everyone. We encourage people to go outside again and be amazed. What is alive, what is growing, what is buzzing. And… ‘what can I do to contribute?’
Because you will only see it when you stand still.
Because we believe that everyone can contribute and because we stand for hands-on learning, we are setting up a unique school:
‘School for Bees & Biodiversity’.
No stuffy classroom or endless theory behind the computer.
At the School for Bees & Biodiversity you are challenged to go outside, discover and be amazed. You get to know native plants, you can extend the flowering arc in your area and you know what wild bees need. In short, you learn to read your environment, feel the rhythm of nature and come home. Back to your natural wisdom.
The School for Bees & Biodiversity will open its doors in the spring of 2024 in the garden of the Welgelegen country house in Groenekan. This is a place where biodiversity and education have been worked on for 250 years.
What we offer:
– 3 day hands-on base camps on biodiversity (private individuals)
– 10 thematic workshops & excursions (private individuals)
– wild bee expedition (schools/youth)
– creating bee oases (schools/young people)
– building expertise (managers, farmers and policy makers)
– digital learning environment management & biodiversity (above target groups)
We are committed to biodiversity through education, action and management. Because a world that is good for bees is a world that is good for everyone.